Go woke, go broke. I will be breaking down the downfall of Bowflex
What incompetence by Nautilus executives to have Bowflex file for bankruptcy! Instead of keeping up with demand and growing/acquiring small businesses they sat on intellectual property while neglecting to meet the needs of the market.
In July 2023 Nautilus was given a complete makeover to its BowFlex brand, revealing an energized look coupled with a new philosophy based on inclusivity and empowerment.
Nautilus, the owners of Bowflex failed the American market enormously. Not only did they fail to provide enough fitness equipment to keep people healthy during the pandemic, they went after small businesses who were supplying fitness equipment with a team of lawyers to extort money from them. All the while it has turned into the next failed fitness company, right alongside Peloton, while also pushing a narrative that it is okay to look fat and out of shape, just as long as you are a minority consumer.
Johnson Health will now take the reins of the brand, so we will see what happens. If they need a new brand identity to get out of the gutter then I would be happy to help.
Don’t buy into the bullshit. Stay strong.